8 deadliest tourist destinations in the world

Knowingly or not, every tourist attractions certainly store its own danger. Not rarely the travelers, who originally hoped to get entertainment during the holidays, even dying because not aware of the dangers that threaten at tourist spots.

Starting from a cliff, mountain, forest, until the eccentric flower garden, here is the first part of the eight deadliest tourist attractions in the world:

Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, United States

Not less than 60 people have been killed while hiking on Half Dome. Because climbing on the dome of the rock as high as 1,500 meters, it takes all day and will burn up to 4,000 to 9,800 calories. Moreover, the final route is 120 meters high vertical cliff that can only be climbed with the aid of a metal rope. This route was touted as a culprit at Half Dome.

In 2012, a climber died while slipped from cables while trying to rescue a fallen people's radio in it. In 2011, three climbers were killed and fell to Vernal Falls, while the other crashed into a Mist Trail. Once escaped from a cliff and not drowned in the River, the climbers is still dealing with a lightning strike.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

It only cost about $ 100; visitors can tour pick up the death in Hawaii. According to the report of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park in 1992-2002, as many as 40 people were killed, and 45 people were seriously injured while cycling downhill from volcanoes in Hawaii.

Not just merely passing downhill biking, volcanoes in Hawaii, including the ongoing eruption of Kilauea since 1938, also offers deadly tours called geotourism. In this tour, tourists could jeopardize his life with the approaching the molten lava on mountain environment. As known, the volcanic lava could release the poison kind of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.

Kokoda Rail, Papua New Guinea

Covering an area of almost 100 kilometers from the North to the South coast of Papua New Guinea, Kokoda Rail is actually the rain forest complete with a diversity of wildlife, clean water, and settlements of residents. The density of the jungle here also witnessed World War II between Japan and Australia.

After the war, Kokoda Rail became a tourist destination that is favored by the extreme challenger and nature lovers. A variety of deadly danger is always threatening, ranging from mosquitoes cause malaria, residents attack, until the ghost haunting army!

Alnwick Gardens, United Kingdom

Bored with the usual garden less adventurous touches, the Duchess of Northumberland named Jane Percy made a special garden at Alnwick Castle. Special because at first, Percy wants to cultivate medicinal plants. But, the owner of the garden then thinks what excitement when growing the poisonous plants.

The result is a plot of the garden called The Poison Garden filled with warning signs and deadly plants. Given the few plants can release toxic vapors in the air, tourists only allowed to stand in the safe path, where they cannot touch or smell the flowers. Maybe similar to the game Plants vs. Zombies!

Considering how dangerous these sights, tourists are expected to be able to comply with the rules set and keep yourself during traveling.
8 deadliest tourist destinations in the world | Erin Waters | 5


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